Electronic Failure Analysis
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- Electronic Failure Analysis
June 19, 2025
Course Visits: 2,539
20 Hours
Course Objective:
Failure Analysis refers to the analysis of possible ways of failure of electrical, electronic and mechanical parts of a system that has undergone a breakdown. Several tests are performed to analyze the occurrence as well as to ensure product life, quality, prevent product malfunction, achieve process reliability, prevent customer dissatisfaction, and prevent safety or environment hazards. This analysis is conducted in almost every industry to increase the reliability of the output. The analysis process depends on collecting failed components for consequent inspection of the reasons causing failure; this is done by using a wide array of methods.
Who should attend?
This course is for engineering and maintenance personnel responsible for installing, maintaining and troubleshooting systems.
Course Content:
- Categories of electrical fault in power transformer (Partial Discharge (PD) and Arcing.
- Electrical fault detection in a transformer using Dissolved Gas Analysis technique.
Transformer fault diagnosis expert system
Transformer fault diagnosis algorithms
- Generator fault diagnosis techniques
- Induction motor fault diagnosis techniques
Real-time fault signature monitoring tool for motor-drive-embedded fault diagnosis systems