ISO 27500 – Information Security Management System

  • ISO 27500 – Information Security Management System


Start Date
November 20, 2025
24 Hours

ISO 27500

What is ISO 27500-Rationale and general principles for the human-centred organization about 

ISO 27500 is an international standard that discusses the rationale and principles for the human-centered organization to fulfill a purpose for its users, customers, and community and orients all its innovation and operations activities around those people.

ISO 27500 is intended for executive board members and policymakers of all types of organizations (whether large or small) in the private, public, and non-profit sectors.

ISO 27500 describes the values and beliefs that make an organization human-centered, the significant business benefits that can be achieved, and explains the risks for the organization of not being human-centered. ISO 27500 provides recommendations for the policies that executive board members need to implement in a human-centered organization.

Note1: ISO 27500 is not a management system standard. It is not intended or appropriate for certification purposes or regulatory or contractual use. 

Note2: ISO 27500 is not intended to prevent the development of national standards that are more specific or demanding. 

Who is ISO 27500-Rationale and general principles for the human-centred organization for? 

ISO 27500 on the rationale and general principles for the human-centered organization is useful for:

  • Executive board members
  • Organizations
  • Policymakers
  • Ergonomists
  • Managers

Why should you use ISO 27500-Rationale and general principles for the human-centered organization 

Human well-being is now recognized by the G7 (the world’s seven biggest economies) as an important economic measure to complement traditional measures of national output. Organizations are being judged not only on their return on the investment of their owner but also on much broader issues such as how well they fulfill their responsibility to society and the impact they have on the environment in both the short and long term.

ISO 27500 provides you with an understanding of what being human-centered means for the organization, principles of the human-centred approach, risks from failing to apply human-centred principles, guidance on implementing human-centred principles and minimizing risks, and much more.

The principles provided by ISO 27500 ensure improved operational effectiveness and efficiency and increased likelihood of achieving business objectives promptly, increased accessibility for staff and customers, reduced risk of poor product design and the associated financial consequences, and enhanced health and safety as well as environmental protection.

With obedience and compliance to ISO 27500, you can enhance customer confidence and trust with increased customer loyalty and lead to better organizational performance which may include organization performance, customer experience, and service to the community.


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