Filing & Archiving System

  • Filing & Archiving System


Start Date
May 17, 2025
15 Hours

Filing and Archiving
Course Overview
This course acquaints the trainees with filing and archiving systems highlighting the proper
document handling and best ways to design, operate and maintain a suitable archiving system for various departments.
Who Should Attend
All employees specially admin jobs responsible for archiving system.
Course outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, trainees will know the difference between the responsibilities and activities of archivists and records managers and understand the influences of the institutional contexts in which documents are created, used and retained. Trainees will recognize the changing nature of the document over time and technology. Trainees will have the basis on which to analyze the context in which documents are created, in order to evaluate the authenticity of the document, its value for retention, its likelihood of survival and its management for later use. Trainees will be made aware of the various professional associations, their activities and publications.
Course Outline
• Why do organizations maintain good archiving system?
• Definitions: a. Document b. Record c. Archived document
• How to establish a good archiving system
• Handling archived documents
• Retention periods and shredding
• How to establish and maintain archiving system in an any department (case study)
• Introduction to electronic archiving

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