Industrial Engineering

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Industrial Engineering
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المحتوى العلمى – Outline • مقاييس الإحصاء الوصفي Descriptive Statistical Analysis • فترات الثقة Confidence Intervals and…
Warehouse Technique
Many organizations seem to underestimate the importance of Training Co-coordinators & Administrators. In truth, both roles…
The '5S' Philosophy
Trainee will be trained based on the Japanese philosophy. The 5S Philosophy focuses on effective work place organization and standardized…
Six Sigma
The Black Ben training program integrates online learning with hands-on data analysis. The course material provides an in-depth…
Managing Production for Line Managers
Production Quality Control – Overview of Statistical Quality Control.(SPC) o Process Control. o Dimensions of Quality o Quality…
Revit Advanced
Autodesk Revit is building information modeling software for architects, structural engineers, MEP engineers, designers and contractors.…
Management of Production and Operation
Course Outlines: Production Quality Control – Overview of Statistical Quality Control.(SPC) o Process Control. o Dimensions…
Production Management and Planning
Although the theoretical basis of inventory management and production planning are sound and widely covered in management literature,…
Inspection Measurements of Machine Elements
Upon completion of this course, Participants will be able to:  Inspect machine elements  Measure bearing elements  Use appropriate…
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